Archive: September, 2007

Americans have become totally submissive and absurd

Okay, most of you know that I’m completely without faith in our “leaders” on a federal, state, and local level. The fed spies on us, and we allow it. Our state leaders (specifically Illinois) are corrupt or at least over bearing. The local government largely only cares about helping themselves at the expense of the working poor. That’s my brief summary of those situations.

Now we also are submitting to homeowner’s associations. What kind of stupidity is that? Aren’t laws and their enforcement supposed to be left to our perverted government?

Apparently that is not enough. We have to have these idiotic groups to tell us what color our homes can be, if we can have a mailbox shaped like a tractor, if our kid’s toys can be plastic, or even if our clothes can be dried outside.

Please go read that article. It is absolutely idiotic. I own my land/home (well, the bank does for now), and I’ll do whatever I damn well please on it as long as I’m not hurting anyone else. Somehow I don’t think a clothesline will actually cause harm to someone.

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2007-09-19

  • Staying up later than I should. Sleep is good, but I’ll have time for that when I’m dead. 🙂 #

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2007-09-18

  • First speech is over. Yay. #

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2007-09-14

  • First real day of work tomorrow. All nervous and stuff. #

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2007-09-13

  • Last school day of the week. Work tomorrow. #
  • Class canceled. Nothing to do for an hour and a half. #
  • Time for the day to continue. #
  • Darn. Our instructor will be here next week. #
  • Wow, state police everywhere in town. #