Archive: August, 2009

Daniel’s Tweets for 2009-08-27

Daniel’s Tweets for 2009-08-26

  • Almost ready to dive back into WordPress and Buddypress. Just want to get forum integration working for now. #
  • Sweet. Got Buddypress and forums talking. Now to get some plugins working. #
  • arrrrgh. WordPressMU. That is all. #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2009-08-25

  • OMG. I hurt. #
  • Buddypress angers me. However, I am learning a lot about the ins and outs of WordPress. #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2009-08-24

  • Final preparations to head to @holidayworld this morning. Hopefully as nice there as it is here today. #hw #
  • In my opinion I am too fat for roller coasters. #
  • Kids just got wet. #
  • A blast at @holidayworld. #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2009-08-23

  • Dispatcher testing wasn't bad. Challenging, but not too much so. #