Daniel’s Tweets for 2012-04-26

  • Any ladies want to dress in the flavor of their favorite Marvel characters? | looking MARVELous http://t.co/85we10nE #
  • Be content, but strive for more. Does that make sense? | Learn the Art of Contentment and Reduce Stress in Your Life http://t.co/ZdXCqQRk #
  • UPDATE: Father With Autistic Son Sends His Kid To School With A Wire, Exposes Bullying And Abuse By Teachers http://t.co/x18odAEw #
  • Your almost daily Star Wars link. | Even the dark side has feelings. – Imgur http://t.co/ORkNAirG #
  • Maybe this works for you. I need to update resume.danvoyles | 4 More Ways to Create an Online Resume http://t.co/92C1ga5U #
  • Video includes ‘That’s what you get’ mugshot | Man accused of peeping at showering teen http://t.co/5k5WkCSf (Fark) #
  • Live by the patty, die by the patty… | Another ‘Heart Attack Grill’ customer collapses while eating ‘bypass burger’ http://t.co/zSVG2hWR #
  • Don’t let them own you. | Why You Need To Own Your Mistakes http://t.co/1vRhS1GU #
  • Your almost daily Star Wars link. | I can’t stop laughing at this. http://t.co/aWjKutsI #
  • Yeah, prepare for an Imgur attack. | Rihanna’s “deep” lyrics http://t.co/hYeUoywR #