2012-07-07 Twitter Digest

  • Serving breakfast at the Lodge. Come get yours before 11am! $5 for some very tasty food is a pretty good deal. #
  • Your DSWL is AWESOME. | Star Wars Family Car Decals http://t.co/LsgKgJEm #
  • Ready to watch #TNT on TWiT with @acedtect using my GoogleTV. I love the future. #
  • Don't worry there's nothing to be worried about nor prepare for… really. | 5 Public Health Nightmares Facing Humanity http://t.co/dyGrf1uL #
  • No, that one is not included. | 6 Brain Boosting Herbs To Improve Your Productivity http://t.co/9dpUcZOC #
  • Does anyone care? | Does Sony have a new PlayStation 3 model in the works? http://t.co/PImfFprb #
  • After having a week off work, I can say this is very important. | Claim Your Day of Rest for http://t.co/oHex5PDO #
  • Seems to me that all these tips boil down to BE CONCISE. | 6 Tips for Writing Emails That Will Get Opened http://t.co/YN250Kgb #
  • The truth is frightening. | Chuck & Beans http://t.co/s11VNc1Y #
  • Your DSWL. | Lil' Death Star Carved From Ping Pong Ball http://t.co/HeQjR31E #
  • Your DSWL bonus should keep you busy for awhile. | Cloned Photos http://t.co/wDUgER9B #
  • Because we could all use some more. | 8 Body Hacks To Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels http://t.co/Ms97exGY #
  • You need to run your updates! | Microsoft to patch 9 security vulnerabilities on Tuesday http://t.co/O78wloPS #
  • No matter my issue with @Charter, the team always comes through with solutions and a great attitude. #GreatService #
  • I still suggest getting a ball to sit on instead of a chair. | Sitting is Killing You http://t.co/E6PR6kvB #