- I still learn every day. Do you? | Why Slowing Down Makes You an Expert Faster http://t.co/4P0SnEKW #
- It's been a great day. Overcast so that it hasn't been too hot, no angry people at work, and all you wonderful… http://t.co/OGtVF7Oq #
- Be happy with what you have, it's better than most. #
- Fluff piece with bad structure, if you're interested. | Olympic Technology http://t.co/hcrW2Y4r #
- "This is what the forefathers had in mind when they composed the Constitution: liberals making out during lunch… http://t.co/mGCpMEnE #
- I see endless virus opportunities. | Netflix Releases Chaos Monkey Into the Wild http://t.co/CYioO2L1 #
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