2012-09-08 Twitter Digest

  • MVTHS Issues Press Release – Dan Counters | Big Kevs View http://t.co/20uv02Oi #
  • This is how everyone seems about college football. I don't get it. http://t.co/n9nAwrwG #
  • "In states across the nation, Republican elected officials are filing frivolous challenges to Johnson's ballot status." http://t.co/neR1Pomz #
  • Erich can't stop riding around the neighborhood on his new bike. I'm glad his day has been made. #
  • DSWL 1 | http://t.co/qwHd8hAP #
  • The end is all worth it. | 12 Typical Photos That Spam My Facebook Feed http://t.co/Ggtu2Bz6 #
  • Like Star Wars AND mini-figs? Your DSWL 2 | Interchangeable Lego Star Wars Clock http://t.co/59oK4cZy #
  • I've participated in the #Amzer Google Nexus 7 Giveaway on @CyanogenMod – you too can participate! Visit: http://t.co/NGZrF5qU #
  • Now snot pots are killing people. | CDC strengthens brain-eating ameba, neti pot link http://t.co/LV4Xuxgq #
  • SCIENCE! | Drinking Too Much? Blame Your Glass http://t.co/tSnYe5Zu #
  • Go do the things. | 30 Smart Tips to Get Your Home Ready for Fall http://t.co/f85DAz3N #
  • Go do the things. | 30 Smart Tips to Get Your Home Ready for Fall http://t.co/Weh1EEbp #
  • Just heard that @EddieMcClintock asked about a @BigKevsView shirt at DragonCon. Nerd overdrive commence! Now if he would only listen… #
  • In Shane's Brain: Ablaze http://t.co/OkVuRa9z #
  • 10 signs that you aren't cut out for IT http://t.co/wtppEqrY #
  • Mmmm, plays on words. http://t.co/gaq5tbv8 #
  • Air raid sirens!!! #
  • All of you fanboys and girls can start squealing now. | Apple's September 12 invite hints at iPhone 5 http://t.co/BObRGME1 #
  • CYInterview Exclusive: Famed Attorney/Elected Delegate to Democratic National Convention, Gloria All http://t.co/s9JDCJTS #
  • CYInterview Exclusive: Famed Attorney/Elected Delegate to Democratic National Convention, Gloria All http://t.co/QVVkH41x #
  • #3 FTLOG #3 | Stop Being Offended Today: 3 Cures for Everything That Irritates You http://t.co/vAxOr5BC #
  • TWD: 40 days. #
  • Some of this is even relevant for work. | 15 Habits to Develop for Back to School http://t.co/cqkIVMQH #
  • As if paying to keep it alive wasn't enough. | Massachusetts judge approves taxpayer-funded sex change for inmate http://t.co/1yamKGqi #
  • I have one Gary Johnson for President sign left. Any takers? #
  • Can we mandate future party conventions play 'Moneytalks' by AC/DC on loop so we remember why they're really there? #
  • Blatantly discussing @EddieMcClintock on @BigKevsView tonight. Shameless plea for attention after #DRAGONCON #
  • Where are our transporters at? Commuters unite! #
  • So, who is hosting the premiere party?

    I'll bring chips. http://t.co/7QUFuQ9u #

  • Yup. If the first, I suppose it would be moot anyway. http://t.co/FGE8j9R8 #
  • I would do no less. | Man who fatally shot intruder targeted 3 times in August http://t.co/7QJcQrHV #
  • A Chair Told Clint Eastwood to GFY!? – http://t.co/rM4uCopv @thehooch36 @TetheredHeather @OldManRobR RT? @ShawnKathleen #hyphenateddevil #
  • When you're no longer ashamed to ask for mayo to dip your fries in… #
  • RT @OMGFactsSex: Humans have sex year round as opposed to most animals that have sex only during a breeding season. #obviouslynotmarried #
  • Watching American Guns. Nice seeing gunsmithing in action. #
  • So many idiots drinking deep from the Flavor-Ade. #
  • Much less grease and pop 2012.

    Of course this is on a day work is supplying fried chicken. Go figure. #

  • Go get some free turkey! | Arby's: It's Good Mood Food http://t.co/CvVXGE6H #
  • Go get some free turkey! | Arby's: It's Good Mood Food http://t.co/prsjEwof #
  • Best universal remotes around. These actually work well. | $14.99 Refurbished: Logitech Harmony 300i Universal Remote http://t.co/dCbfqgZW #
  • How I feel going to Best Buy… – Imgur http://t.co/EN2Kwiaj #
  • single, sexy, sane – Pick 2 my friend. #
  • via @TheOnion – Organic Food No More Nutritious http://t.co/Lbo9oh9s #
  • Zogby Poll: 10.1% of Independents plan to vote for Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson, 7.5% of Hispanic voters, 7.0% of 18-29 year old voters #
  • You have no privacy. |"…such data … are “third-party records,” meaning customers have no right to keep it private." http://t.co/gfyBPleB #
  • Am I the only one who thinks 'redditor husband' meme looks like @acedtect? Not if you look closely, but at a glance. #
  • Do not refer to the DNC as a billionaires club. Most are just millionaires, and some of them only just barely. -… http://t.co/9al2pzZd #
  • 20 minutes after the last cigarette – Blood pressure and pulse rate drops to normal.
    Hand and foot temperature… http://t.co/rZIrMTl1 #
  • "A study by Stanford University researchers found that organic meats and produce did not possess more vitamins or… http://t.co/ug6I7sOZ #
  • The 5 Biggest Wastes of Time and Money http://t.co/mAHLb2R5 #
  • One rain cloud in the sky and it settles over my building. Go figure. #
  • http://t.co/NsncFfb8 #
  • It's british, but it's R2D2 and your DSWL. | ROBOT TROLLEY 60 http://t.co/DtbRh4mW #
  • FAGIN: Take a look at a candidate few have ever heard about http://t.co/aPgjxZrU #
  • Attention: TEACHERS. Embrace new and FREE. | Periodic Table Wall Graphics Plus FREE Periodic Table Design Downloads! http://t.co/4VLBu5K6 #
  • The story sounds fun. Will the movie live up to it though? http://t.co/OmWvxTFX #
  • Honest logos for the Patriots, Cowboys, Giants, and rest of the NFL http://t.co/suvpIrw1 #
  • http://t.co/t8iGcK8G #
  • You should go to Google and 'play' the doodle today. #
  • Some people you wish were on FB or you could talk to, some you wish weren't or you don't.

    Welcome to vaguebooking at it's finest. #

  • But keep voting for them, they're the good guys. | GOP Suing to Keep Third Parties Off Ballot in November http://t.co/NSxpf01Y #
  • Computers are tools. I usually don't mind helping people with problems, but if it looks like Ebola lives there, I don't want to touch it. #
  • So, the Nexus 7 is still your best choice. | All new Kindle Fires stuck with ads http://t.co/zaQfMNCk #
  • EMG. "… they feel "too much" in a room …of people … the information comes in too fast than can be … processed." http://t.co/o0T8dCe2 #
  • Watch out, Mount Vernon, it's going to rain. Okay, can we cut the sirens? #
  • Encino Man. Yeah, that. #