Dan’s Tweets for 2012-10-08

  • It's only the first inning, but Wainwright seems to have it together today. #
  • Doing homework. Why do I need this degree again? #
  • Crisp day. Go bend it to your will. #
  • Don't miss your chance to offer input, praise, and/or criticism tomorrow. | Meeting to be held about courthouse repairs http://t.co/bl8ovGJk #
  • Don't miss your chance to offer input, praise, and/or criticism tomorrow. | Meeting to be held about courthouse… http://t.co/iTVLYl42 #
  • …AND because you keep voting for them. YOU perpetuate this system but say I am wasting my vote. Ironic, no? http://t.co/6ugIZrmD #
  • When I saw #1 I knew this list had (has) merit. | 10 things you can do to improve network and PC security http://t.co/272Kppy7 #