Category: Family

Why, herro, SIUC

So, I’m now a student at SIUC. I’m attempting to gain a bachelor of science in Information Systems. To be honest, I’m thinking this is a lofty goal. My time constraints are pretty tight, and so I’m afraid that my coursework may suffer as a result.

60 hours/week driving and working.

56 hours/week sleeping (I wish).

20 hours/week dedicated to family.

That’s 136 hours per week already tied up. Now if I add in the recommended time for coursework @ 48 hours/week, I’m up to 184 hours out of 168 used up. I’m already negative and I haven’t included anything for just relaxing. I suppose if I reduce sleep to 6 hours/night then I should be able to make it. Still, I’m thinking this may have been a severe lapse in judgment on my part. Time will tell.

PC work? Not for you.

The following story is true to my best recollection, and happened a couple of years ago.

I  shy away from working on personal computers for one major reason – people who are sue-happy. A PC is a machine, it breaks mechanically as well as by software. Had a woman who asked me to look at a PC, I did, and after I had her reboot, it would not come up. I left, after doing nothing to the PC other than plugging in a USB thumb drive (software tools I commonly use are on the thumb drive).

She told me I had broken it and needed to pay to have it replaced after her ‘friend’ she gets weed from said it was non-repairable. We had a few missed phone calls back and forth, but I offered to pay 1/2 of the repair cost at a neutral shop to be nice. I should point out that she suggested I buy her a ~$1,500 laptop to replace the 5+ year old desktop her weed-buddy said I broke.

Then she contacted the MVPD who told her(according to her message) that I had likely downloaded personal information from her PC using my thumb drive (thanks for that, MVPD), and was a criminal planning to exploit that information. Finally she left me a message that said she had ‘better not find me out anywhere’ and that I should ‘come back by her house because her dogs have something for me’.

Long story short, I’m shying away from doing PC work for anyone other than immediate family. Until I am incorporated and have a much better liability policy, my family cannot afford the risk even though I love helping people.

I won’t mention her company for fear of being sued, but her family runs a local pest control company named ACME, beware.

Sick in nice weather – Part eleventy5

It seems to never fail. When the weather changes, usually for the good, the kids and I get sick. Naturally, that will fall to Emily as well since she is around us all the time. It can’t happen when there is snow on the ground, nor when it’s raining like it was for the past week. During those times, we could at least comatose on cold drugs and just sleep through it.

No, this has to happen when the kids should be at school and the weather is gorgeous outside. I should be out there mowing down my yard, but I’m posting this and enduring calls for more juice and ‘Daddy, my head hurtsssss…’

It’s a bunch of crap. Stupid illnesses always getting in the way of fun and outdoor activity. At least we did get to enjoy the zoo Monday before this plague kicked-in. I know I already posted about it, but it was fun to get out of town and spend some time together.

Well, enough whining about bad-illness-timing. I’m off to fetch more juice and take some antibiotics. I’m a wild man, sir. I’ll try to keep the noise down.

The Saint Louis Zoo 2009

Well, today we went to the zoo. It was Amaya’s end of the year field trip. We took Erich and went over to see all the animals on display.

As usual, there were what you normally expect to see at a zoo, but this year, they added a stingray pool. You can walk up to the pool, pet a stingray, and for a dollar more even feed one. Since I had no desire to pet them Emily and the kids went through and did the bit. It would seem the consensus is that they feel like wet portobello mushrooms. I don’t like mushrooms, so it’s probably better I didn’t go. 🙂

Then we went through the penguin habitat. I was very excited to see the penguins since they are the mascot for my operating system. (Geeks, what do you do with them?) I have to say the outside area where the puffins are located is horrible smelling. That’s what you get in an enclosed bird habitat I suppose. Inside was a little better. There was a pool that the emperor penguins seemed to love swimming in and showing off for the crowd.

My wife had to be the troublemaker. She reached out and touched a penguin. Granted, there weren’t any signs to the contrary, but common sense should tell you to not play with or touch the wild animals. Apparently Emily was absent that day. She was lightly scolded by the elderly volunteer worker and we went about the rest of our trip.

Erich and Amaya had a blast seeing all of the animals up close and live instead of on television, and that’s really all the trip was about. Now if I could just keep their mother under control, everything would be great.

Pictures to come in the Flickr photostream.

Damn politicians. No, really.

My employer has laid off no less than 1/3 of its employees. Yesterday morning we had meetings with Man-Tra-Con and unemployment people. Lawyers are negotiating.

Some of you may ask why, if you know me very well you know why – DAMNED politicians.

I’m not talking about elected officials that are upstanding (in Illinois?) and try to do their jobs properly. I’m referring to the jerks that run this state. They have successfully raided the Underground Storage Tank Fund to the point that payments for work already completed in good faith and approved for payment by the IEPA are almost two years behind.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but if I let any debt go for a month I’ll be receiving phone calls daily at all hours. Apparently the state of Illinois can rape funds and move them around however they like. I’m sorry, these are called sweeps by the politicians so that the public doesn’t notice as much when the funds are stolen to pay for another social hour in Springfield.

Granted, these sweeps happen all of the time, but this time they are causing my employer serious issues that may even include closure. I consider the people I work with to be friends, and my friends are not getting paid and/or are laid-off thanks to flipping politicians ‘legally’ stealing money to go to pet or pork projects. It’s bullcrap.

For those who don’t know, the UST Fund is used to do a number of things. The most common that I’m aware of is removing/replacing petrol tanks from gas stations and cleanup of these sites so that there is no contamination. This keeps land ‘clean’ so that it can be sold and used safely. What happens when businesses that clean up these sites are all forced to close thanks to politicians?

I’m willing to wager that the politicians are still getting their paychecks and that welfare is continuing to be doled out.