Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-04-01

  • Really wicked thunderstorms tonight. Just a second ago, one was so long and loud I could have sworn it was a small earthquake. #
  • Clear, cool, and windy. Kinda nice. #
  • Going to work and then school tonight. Blah. 🙂 #
  • Wrapping up work. Almost time for skool. #
  • The wind is cold. #

Podcast Test

Please ignore this test. I am just playing with the settings and trying to learn the ropes. Don’t laugh too hard.

Okay, the audio of my voice is quiet, the intro is too long, and my voice quality after compression is poo. I really need to up the quality. Just trying to watch my bandwidth.

Any other thoughts kids?

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-03-31

  • Spring is definitely here. The weather is cool, but not cold. Baseball season has started. I can’t wait for the pool to open! #
  • Weird. Someone from JP Morgan just did a search for my name. PS – I’m probably not who you’re looking for with that search. #
  • Time for Saint Louis Cardinals Baseball!!! #
  • Unfortunately, I have no way to listen to the game. I really can’t justify paying $15 to MLB.com to hear a few games. #

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-03-28

  • It’s a very brisk morning. #

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-03-27

  • ‘The Mist’ is the suck. #
  • Passed my mid-term! #