PCBSD, well…

PCBSD is a very slick interface. The install is pretty simple and straightforward. You pick your partition to install, set the bootloader choice, and any extra programs you may want.

To be honest, it was much simpler than I had been led to believe.  Fortunately, my personal favorite desktop is the default (KDE).

Once I spent 3 hours researching how to set up my wireless card, after manually setting my wired network (DHCP did not work properly), it seems to be a decent desktop. There are programs that most anyone should need, if they are only surfing, sending email, and maybe some light office work.

I know I’m only at the beginning of my BSD road, but there are very few programs available in the repository (PBI downloads). Perhaps I’m missing some magical site or program, but there are only the most basic of downloads available. OpenOffice, Firefox, and Thunderbird are the best known programs available, and also are about all there is to get.

I’m going to keep hacking and thrashing my way through the growing pains. More information to come, but I advise everyone but the VERY adventurous to wait for BSD.

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-03-03

  • Yesterday was extremely nice. Today, however, is rainy. Blah. #
  • Still rainy and getting colder. Crappy day, but I’m doing well at work. #

Linux isn’t out there enough, Now it’s PC-BSD

Everyone at school, and some in my regular life are impressed or curious when I tell them that I use Kubuntu as my only OS. The usual questions are about if I have to use the command-line (I do by choice some), can it surf the internet, does your family use it (they do), do you hate Windows (I don’t), etc.

Put simply, these questions are almost daily. Thankfully most everyone I come into regular contact with now knows and some have even asked questions about trying it out. I figure it would be cool if they try it and like it, but no big deal if they don’t. Windows was innovative and works for most of the populous.

Soon, I plan to embark on an even more “out there” mission. I’m going to try out PC-BSD on my laptop. Before you ask, here’s a link to a BSD site. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

So as you can see, BSD is just another OS. However, in my opinion, it is something new to learn, and arguably more secure.

For some reason, I have this thing for learning. I have to keep learning or I get bored. I do love technology just for that reason. There are always new processes, updates, and assorted changes to keep me learning constantly. I do have some days where I get tired of it all and just need a break, but those are rare.

So, I’m going to try this obscure OS, try to tweak it and use it. Wish me luck, and I’ll try to keep you guys updated on how things are going.

New look, New WordPress

Yesterday I bit the bullet and manually upgraded WordPress to version 2.3.3. I also brought all of the plugins I’m using up to date, and changed the look of things.

The plugins and WordPress updates went without a hitch. Just unzipped the files, dropped them into place, and test to be sure everything works. Unfortunately, the new layout was/is not so easy.

I have most everything the way I want it, except for the categories. No matter what I do, they will not move. I’ve tried using an empty arrangement for the columns, adding the “Categories” widget, and looking at the sidebar.php code. I just can’t see where to change/adjust it.  The “sponsors” thin-column is the same way, but it locates at the bottom. I don’t care about it so much since it’s not in the way of prime real estate.

While I moved things around, I also added Google Ads. The design that I am using had them nicely incorporated, so I added them. I have had an account for awhile, but never could get them to sit right in my previous incarnations. I think they fit neatly with this one. If you guys think they’re ugly or annoying, let me know and I’ll take them out.

Take a few looks at the pages, click around, and let me know what you think. I know some of you don’t like to use the comments, so just email me as always. Thanks for you loyal readers of my ramblings!

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-03-01

  • Nice warm afternoon. Dog barking, kids not cleaning their rooms. It’s pretty much a normal day. #