Archive: July, 2007

Bored teenager? Burn a kitten for fun.

Some girls were apparently bored and decided to burn an 8 week-old kitten. Reportedly the girls were laughing while the kitten was shrieking.

Right now the girls are in juvenile hall and face a maximum of 3 years locked-up. I think they need it. “Oh no, if we do that they will become uncaring and hardened.”

I think they have proven themselves to be uncaring and hardened already. Maybe if some sentences were actually handed out instead of coddling criminals, people would think twice before committing such atrocious acts.

It’s a pity that the courts are so soft they will not hand out any sentence that will deter a criminal or average citizen who even debates an illegal act. We are getting closer and closer to anarchy because there are no real penalties for crimes.

It will be interesting to see how this case ends.

Cates should now be tried for manslaughter at least, probably murder

I read this article in the Register-News today. This woman should now (assuming a guilty verdict) be convicted of no less than manslaughter. In my opinion, she should be convicted of murder.

Not only is she a habitual offender who has shown that she cannot/will not abide by the court’s orders, she has killed a woman. Her actions in violation of her bond conditions directly caused this woman’s death.

She killed someone else. Murder, there you go.

At the very least she is guilty of manslaughter. “But she has an addiction.” Wah. Cry me a river. She chose to drink, smoke, shoot-up, or whatever and killed someone. Perhaps not intentionally, but she did kill an innocent citizen.

Just my thoughts. Feel free to dissent.

Child Support? If she says so. Abortion? If she says so. My kid? If she says so.

How many cases of men getting screwed do there have to be before legislation is changed?

Lately there have been at least two high-profile cases where a man was told he was the father of a child and it was later revealed that he was not. In one case, the child is under 18, and the man still has to pay child support because he didn’t dispute it in time. DNA testing? Doesn’t matter. Courts will not reverse the decision in Florida.

The other case involves a man who paid child support for a boy that was not his until the child turned 18. Recently, it was revealed by the whore of an ex-wife that the boy’s father was actually the godfather to the boy. The courts will not let the man recoup any of the money he was forced to pay to raise another man’s child.

Both of these cases point out flaws in our legal system. In theory, if a woman puts any man’s name down as the father of a child, and he doesn’t dispute it within “X” number of days, he is the father. Child support? Insurance? Bet your ass she can take you for all that you’re worth, and you may not even know her except from chatting at work.

There needs to be some major overhauling done of this legislation.

Oh, and another point that irks me – abortion. The woman can kill a baby (if it’s not a baby, you’re not pregnant) or have it, and the man has no say so. However, the man has to pay for the child to be raised? She chose to have sex just like he did, shouldn’t the father have some say in what happens to the child? Not according to today’s judicial system.

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2007-07-17

  • So sunburnt. #
  • Driving to Fairview. #
  • In and being worked on already. #
  • This is service. They updated me and another guy waiting. #
  • On my way back to town. #

Unemployed – It’s not so liberating

Okay, the first week or two of being unemployed were kind of nice. Accomplished a few menial tasks around the house, put in the outside faucet, and generally played housewife.

Now I’m 1.5 months into this experience, and I’m tired of it. I want employment. Better yet, I want to employ myself. I’m still scouring, HotJobs, classifieds, and everyone I know, but I can’t find anything around here that I fit or that provides anywhere near the income I had.

I’m feeling good about my resume and my abilities though. If/when something pops-up, I will be able to present myself well. My experience and ability to learn new things will help me in my ever-elusive pursuit. Just have to convince interviewers of that fact.

Heck, I taught myself the ins and outs of GSM phone service. I busted my hump and they created a position for me, so I must have done something right. Bernard took me under his wing and kicked me in the right direction while I was feeling my way around Linux and “adminning”.

I’ve taken an advert out in the Sentinel to test the waters for PC service. We’ll see how many more calls I get on that in the next few days. That would be awesome to do for a living, but we’ll see how it goes.