Archive: October, 2007

Spam, forwards, e-chain mail, etc.

Whatever you want to call it, we all have that friend or friends that keep sending us crap email.

It’s always something like “Bill Gates will send you $20” or look at these cute pictures. I’m sorry, but I don’t care, and/or it’s bullshit. If anyone has any doubt whether a chain-email is legit, go to They are very good about keeping their pages up to date on the latest urban legends and such.

Yes, I admit that I like the dumb kitty pictures every once in awhile and sometimes there is a new joke/photo that is entertaining. Unfortunately, I generally see the same crap 5 times in a month from people who forward this junk. Once is cute, two is “I’ve already seen this…”, and any more than that is annoying as heck.

If you want to send me an email, actually write something. Even if it is just “Hi” or something. I love email more than talking on the phone. It is cleaner and I can reply when/if I have time.

When I get this junk it gets deleted immediately. You might have written the secret to immortality at the top of that email, but when I see “Fw:Re:Fw:Fw:” in the Subject line, it goes straight to the trash. I’m not an important, busy person, but I am busy enough that this stuff is a waste for me to check and see if I’ve heard this joke.

On a final note, these emails are very good at spreading viruses. Aunt Susie who sent you that “new” cute puppy photo could be infected and passing that infection to your PC. Photos can have viruses attached to them like any other file and you wouldn’t even notice.

The article that prompted me to write this little tirade is located here.

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2007-10-19

  • Yay for storms. #
  • Accident on the overpass. #

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2007-10-16

  • Now to speech! #
  • Ran out of gas. Added gas. Car won’t start. #
  • The on-ramp is peaceful #

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2007-10-15

  • Time to see how bad I bombed my OS mid-term. #
  • Better than I expected. #
  • Fixed the Granny’s computer. Yay. #

Long time, no updates

Sorry everyone. I have been extremely busy with real life and haven’t had time to update the ol’ blog. To summarize quickly: mid-terms, House of Horror, kids, homework, etc.

The HoH is doing pretty well after the opening weekend. We ran over 300 people through total. Granted, there have been years with 400 in one night, but Halloween is two weeks out and this was the first 3 nights.

Needless to say, I hope the next two weeks keep up this decent pace, and hopefully blow it away.

WDML did a live remote for us on Friday night, and it was awesome. They had us on air better than every 15 minutes and made us sound great. Saturday was the killer night with about 180 people coming through. Sunday was slow, however we expected it to be that way.

More to come soon, my break is over at work. Time to get back to updates and configurations!