Archive: January, 2008

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-01-11

  • PC Maintenance should be fun. Lots of real-life instead of theory. #
  • Rebuilding workstations, the story of my life. 🙂 #

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-01-10

  • No big fires at work. Got homework to get done tonight though. Lots. #

School’s back

Or rather, I’m back at school. The classes aren’t so bad, just long. I’ve never been one to sit for 3-5 hours, and that’s how long my classes are this semester.

It gets kind of hard on one’s bum after awhile, but at least I have pretty good instructors. They all seem to care about how we do and offer themselves to help as much as possible.

Cisco has to be the worst since it is 5 hours straight-through. I’m sure I’ll survive, just wanted to whine a little. 🙂

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-01-09

  • Wow, lamb is yummy. #
  • Mountain Dew – breakfast of champions. #

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-01-08

  • WinXP Pro class should help with the finer points. #
  • Almost done with work, then straight to class tonight. Weeeeee #
  • Astaro is definitely a great tool. Administration is a lot simpler with it in use. #
  • Installing HP printers for home on a network is not fun. #
  • Off to my first Industrial Electronics class. #