Archive: December, 2008

Daniel’s Tweets for 2008-12-03

  • It’s nice to just relax at home. #
  • I feel horrible. #
  • So tired. #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2008-12-02

  • Feels weird to be back at work after a whole week off. #
  • And is down yet again. #
  • And now maybe Ping can stay up. #
  • Almost time to go home. Man, this bug has me feeling like crap. #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2008-12-01

  • Not going to work. Walmart has given me toxic shock syndrome. I randomly get dizzy and vomit. Sexy. #
  • Em now has her own twitter account – @evoyles . She’s more entertaining than me. #
  • So much prepping for finals… #