Archive: March, 2009

Daniel’s Tweets for 2009-03-06

  • Solving problems, one user at a time. #
  • Free Arby’s sandwich (w/drink): . #
  • I want some Tagalongs. Anyone got leads? #
  • I want to take a year off to spend with my children. Won’t happen, but it’s a nice theory. #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2009-03-05

  • Just another day in paradise. #
  • Down to school in a few minutes. #
  • Relaxing at home a bit. Nice to not be at work or school. #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2009-03-04

  • Cleaning up our big bid this afternoon and submitting the final version. Lots of work. #
  • Kids actually went to bed without trying to stay up. #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2009-03-03

  • RT @evoyles Trying to find help for an elderly homeless couple. Lots of dead ends so far. #
  • Break between classes. #
  • Watching Nolan Ryan’s 7th no hitter on MLB Network. What I wouldn’t get to have an autographed ball. #
  • Er, what I wouldn’t GIVE to have a Ryan autographed ball. #
  • Waiting for class to end. Tonight was supposed to be a test-and-out, but people are still taking the exam. #
  • Watching X-Men III. Nothing else worth watching on TV. #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2009-03-02

  • Playing with the kids on a lazy Sunday. #
  • Quite possibly the worst Simpsons episode ever. #
  • Feeling useful. #