Archive: August, 2009

Daniel’s Tweets for 2009-08-09

  • I hate mowing the yard in bits, but it's hot and humid out there. #
  • Watching Aliens. I want to sit down and watch the first 3 back to front. #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2009-08-08

  • So much tired do I have. Been a long day with 5 hours of driving. #

2009-08-08 Twitter Digest

  • And all I can smell is hickory. #
  • Time to resort to just blanketing my resume. #
  • Hoping for a Holiday World ticket miracle. #
  • Searching the job boards. #
  • My tweets are lame. #
  • I think we may actually get to pull off going to Holiday World. #
  • My weekly article in the Register-News: . #selfpromotion #job #search #
  • Sweet. NBC Evening News is STILL fear mongering about H1N1. #
  • What will the world do when Pat Sajak retires? #
  • Lots of flooding in the southern areas apparently. #
  • Folding laundry them registering kids. #
  • Can GI Joe out-suck Transformers 2? Time will tell. #
  • RIP John Hughes. #
  • Just got to speak to a nice woman about going to work at the Marathon plant in Robinson. #
  • Possibly the worst idea in the history of worst ideas. #
  • Interview to seal the job at STL Bread tomorrow. #
  • Fight Club, FTW. #
  • So much tired do I have. Been a long day with 5 hours of driving. #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2009-08-07

  • RIP John Hughes. #
  • Just got to speak to a nice woman about going to work at the Marathon plant in Robinson. #
  • Possibly the worst idea in the history of worst ideas. #
  • Interview to seal the job at STL Bread tomorrow. #
  • Fight Club, FTW. #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2009-08-06

  • Folding laundry them registering kids. #
  • Can GI Joe out-suck Transformers 2? Time will tell. #