- Daniel's Tweets for 2009-09-29 ~ http://ping.fm/xEzRk #
- RT: @chodapp: All New Jersey Lodges Hosting Open House October 3rd http://networkedblogs.com/p13050686 #
- Just gave Erich his first cap gun. Mom denied him long enough. Every boy needs one. #
- Trying to get some networking tonight. #
- Going to record the podcast. Go find it. Shouldn't be too hard. #
Archive: September, 2009
- Daniel's Tweets for 2009-09-28 ~ http://ping.fm/PLDAQ #
- Didn't do 1/4 the work others did yesterday, and I'm wiped. #
- Job search, when will you end? #
- This is as bad or worse than what has been done in the last 16 years: http://ping.fm/K1lv3 #
- Depression setting in about the awesome opportunity I'm up for. #
- So many positions have I applied for today. Time to write my weekly column for the paper. #
- Murderous cat keeps trying to bring a sparrow into the house! #
- Cat finally released the bird. #
- I think it's in poor taste, but if they file charges, I'll come unglued. http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/09/28/facebook.poll/index.html? #
- Kill Wesley Keep Snirlkes. – Just saw the Robot Chicken episode. Hilarious. @wilw #
- Genius: http://bit.ly/13aHCm #
- Here I am, rock you like a hurricane. Like the Scorpions did before you. #
- Just wait your turn, you're coming up on the list… Okay, Brownie Monsters? #
- The Screw of Damnation! Found behind the Armoire of Despair! #
- Daniel's Tweets for 2009-09-27 ~ http://ping.fm/qxRne #
- This stupid congestion needs to go. #
- 2009-09-26 Twitter Digest ~ http://ping.fm/bkoIr #
- Daniel's Tweets for 2009-09-26 ~ http://ping.fm/EhXNB #
- Probably going to take children to HoH to provide mom some alone time. #
- 20 Powerful WordPress Security Plugins and Tips & Tricks: http://digg.com/d315cGt?t #
- RT: @mtvjaycees: Finishing up details today and tomorrow at the House of Horror. If you have some time, we appreciate help. #
- 21 ways to get something for nothing http://ping.fm/gi2V4 #