- Daniel's Tweets for 2009-12-12 ~ http://ping.fm/YyGYy #
- Welcome to the USSA ~ http://ping.fm/V8oQd #
- Welcome to the USSA ~ http://ping.fm/a48IL #
- Welcome to the USSA ~ http://ping.fm/0AaEV #
- Wow, this has to be the ultimate 'nothing' Saturday. I am not complaining. #
- Sad pet commercials suck. Help the animals, but should we support the Humane Society? Are they crazy like PETA? #
- Just watched Clue. It needs a remake with @eddieizzard in the lead role. #
Archive: December, 2009
It’s been a while since I’ve posted on my nephew’s blog..so here goes.
Have you heard about this?? Probably not..
Congress is going to nationalize the financial services industry today (H.R.4173), which is about 20% of our economy(passed the House, 12-11-09).
Feds have already nationalized the auto industry (GM & Chrysler).
Feds have already nationalized the mortgage industry, 90% of all mortgages since March have been bought by Fannie/Freddie.
Feds have already nationalized the college loan program (private banks can no longer offer these loans).
Feds are about to nationalize HealhCare (which is 17% of our economy).
Feds have proposed to nationalize ALL public transportation (light rail & subways) in the country
Feds are planning to nationalize ALL waterways in the country (HR 2749, http://swordattheready.wordpress.com/2009/10/14/marxists-in-the-politburo-move-to-seize-control-of-all-water/)
Feds are planning to nationalize ALL power plants through the EPA (C02 restrictions), even if Congress doesn’t pass Cap & Trade.
Most citizens are unaware about most of this, or haven’t put the pieces of the puzzle together.
Welcome to the USSA (United Socialist States of America).
The fight is on, to take our country back..
- Daniel's Tweets for 2009-12-11 ~ http://ping.fm/ljghK #
- First Friday at the new career. I can't wait until 5. #
- I'm not your buddy, guy. #
- 2009-12-11 Twitter Digest ~ http://ping.fm/UxZls #
- 2009-12-04 Twitter Digest ~ http://ping.fm/Wu9PP #
- Daniel's Tweets for 2009-12-05 ~ http://ping.fm/W3aHI #
- Did a little consulting this morning for the bank again. Now I relax until boardgaming tonight. #
- Watching Salvation. It was okay in theaters, hoping this time it's better. #
- Salvation was still 'eh'. Now on to 'Miss March'. #
- Time for a NyQuil 'nap'. #
- Daniel's Tweets for 2009-12-06 ~ http://ping.fm/ow6Mf #
- Relaxing before my first day.Nervous as can be. #
- Daniel's Tweets for 2009-12-07 ~ http://ping.fm/VX0DE #
- Not doing too bad for being up so early. Time to head down to my dream. #
- It seems as though dream job IS, in fact, dream job. #
- First day at work went very well. I'm going to be learning a lot, but that's what I want to do anyway. #
- RT: @SchoolCenterPro: 2nd Annual Imaginative Classroom Website Contest is open! Enter your classroom site to WIN! http://fb.me/3oROqKa #
- Google Chrome for Linux – http://ping.fm/wOaDF #
- Checking out Yoono for Firefox. Seems nifty. #
- RT: @CaliLewis: Request for you teachers- point me to some resources/learning tricks for teaching young kids the ABCs & Continents, etc? #
- Podcasting. El yay. I'm gonna regret this in the morning. #
- Daniel's Tweets for 2009-12-09 ~ http://ping.fm/jvSOK #
- Working the day away. Still loving it. #
- RT: @CaliLewis: The Droid has been unlocked – http://bit.ly/4DHelq #
- Lunch with the department. Nice. #
- #lastfm #love Hanging By A Moment by Lifehouse http://bit.ly/186c8L #
- RT @tweetmeme Dude, WTF are you babbling about? | Big Kevs View http://bit.ly/4rGEJD #
- Daniel's Tweets for 2009-12-10 ~ http://ping.fm/3pdtf #
- Field trip to STL today, so I got to sleep in. #
- FB is honking me off. Login is erroring, but I can't shut it off in-between error messages in Pidgin. #
- Now for bed and looking forward to Friday. #
- Daniel's Tweets for 2009-12-11 ~ http://ping.fm/ljghK #
- First Friday at the new career. I can't wait until 5. #
- I'm not your buddy, guy. #
- Daniel's Tweets for 2009-12-10 ~ http://ping.fm/3pdtf #
- Field trip to STL today, so I got to sleep in. #
- FB is honking me off. Login is erroring, but I can't shut it off in-between error messages in Pidgin. #
- Now for bed and looking forward to Friday. #