2010-04-17 Twitter Digest

  • Big Kevs View » Opening Day! Looks like McGwire’s injections are paying off! http://bit.ly/b60rD1 #
  • No kids for the night, but yet I'm sitting here watching Anchorman on ABC. #
  • Watching X-Files first season. Dave would be proud. #
  • Thankfully Fox has almost fixed Sunday night. If only they would give up on the Cleveland Show. #
  • So many tickets, so little time. #
  • Almost time to race home and take Erich to his first baseball practice. This should prove interesting. #
  • This is the 1/2 way mark for the week. Happy with how your week started? Only you can change it. #
  • Amazing week outside. Hope you're enjoying it if you can. #
  • Erich had a good time at baseball practice, but he desperately needs to pay attention to what is going on. #
  • Smile. Pity parties usually have a guest list of one – I suggest skipping them. #
  • Being forced to watch Mythbusters. I think they've run out of ideas. #
  • …Tryin' to sound like America's Most. You can yell all day but ya don't come close. #
  • … the only thing tp do is hang the sense of it and keep yourself occupied. I'd rather be happy than right any day. #
  • …the only thing to do is hang the sense of it and keep yourself occupied. Look at me. I'd far rather be happy than right any day #
  • Nothing like an hour mail outage no one notices. #
  • Bases loaded. Let's see what Lopez can do. #
  • GRAND SLAM Lopez! #
  • Great, Reyes. We now have a 50/50 shot of losing the lead. #