Archive: August, 2010

Daniel’s Tweets for 2010-08-31

  • West bound and down. #
  • Stupid flat tires. #
  • Stupid valve stems. #
  • Very nice to have the freedom to get the tire fixed during work hours. SUCKS paying those hours back. 🙂 #
  • Family Guy Blue Harvest on TBS. Giggity. #
  • Did the London Symphony actually record for Family Guy? #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2010-08-30

  • Yard mowed. #
  • Sometimes you just have to have ice cream at 10:30 on a Sunday. #
  • NPH and Betty White won. Excellent. #
  • Woot for The Big Bang Theory. #
  • Almost time for Mad Men, but, the Emmys… #
  • RT @bigkevsview Kevin Kills Murph’s Harley While .. #Accident #BigKev #Blago #China #Dan #Darth #hooch #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2010-08-29

  • Yeah. #
  • At the Reeeeeeeeddddboooxxx… #

2010-08-28 Twitter Digest

Daniel’s Tweets for 2010-08-27

  • It is now official Thursday nap time. WTF do you mean I don't have that authority? Oh, THAT's what manager means. #
  • RT @bigkevsview Kevin Kills Murph’s Harley While .. #Accident #BigKev #Blago #China #Dan #Darth #hooch #
  • Is there a Friday at the end of this tunnel? #
  • Is it wrong that I'm excited about haunted house season? #