- Bought a reel mower today. Inexpensive, quiet, and best of all – it works unlike cheapie gas mowers. #
- RT @bigkevsview Random Nothingness From the Great.. http://is.gd/e1y3t #3D #TVs #Big #Kev #BTLS #Charter #Dan #
- For some reason I have to stop every time I flip to Gran Torino. #
- About to watch 'The Hangover'. Em swears I'll love it. #
- The Hangover was okay, but I was expecting an instant classic after everyone's comments. #
- 9pm – Fox – hilarity. That is all. #
- Why hello, Monday. It's been about a week hasn't it? #
- Never can wake up on Monday. Always seems to drag on and on. #
- RT @bigkevsview Random Nothingness From the Great.. http://is.gd/e1y3t #3D #TVs #Big #Kev #BTLS #Charter #Dan #hooch #
- Never a dull day in IT. Power, Dell's site not working… #
- I can't wait for an Android handset, but there has to be a reasonable price point first. #
- Tuesday, we've had our ups and downs, but things seem about even now. #
- Thank goodness for Google. Questions answered 24/7. #
- Tomorrow is orientation. I don't even know if I'm supposed to go. #
- Homemade Mom: Inspired by Finn – Baltic Amber http://bit.ly/acCnjc #
- This is one hard deal to beat. I'm very tempted to leave cable. VERY tempted. http://bit.ly/aE8WZ4 #
- So, DirectTV has HD and DVR with premiums for slightly less than what I pay now @Charter. Change is coming… @leaticia1987 @hooch36 #
- DirectTV does seem to have Dish beat in the channels dept. Now, just to make the jump. #
- Get more time from your Android phone. @hooch36 http://bit.ly/cnL8fX #
- http://onion.com/d7SPmP via @TheOnion – Illinois Does A Few Adult Films To Make Ends Meet #
- RT @bigkevsview Random Nothingness From the Great.. http://is.gd/e1y3t #3D #TVs #Big #Kev #BTLS #Charter #Dan #hooch #
- Anyone have a small desk to donate for a little personal project? #
- New division chair seems like a cool guy. #
- Ever have one of those days where you wind up butt-hurt over something? The world can suck it. #
- Hello, Friday. Just where have you been all week? #
- Cisco has the most un-usable website in existence. #
- For some reason I feel a need to go camping and play hockey. #
- RT @bigkevsview Random Nothingness From the Great.. http://is.gd/e1y3t #3D #TVs #Big #Kev #BTLS #Charter #Dan #hooch #
- bigkev.fm is now mine. #
- Yfrog Image : yfrog.com/03szlg – Uploaded by Monicals_Pizza http://bit.ly/9gJlKA #
- I'm so happy AMC bought Kerasotes. Jacked tickets, concessions, and no rewards. GFY, AMC. #
- New Eureka on SyFy @ 8! #
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