Archive: May, 2011

Daniel’s Tweets for 2011-05-24

  • Florida, I am in you. #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2011-05-23

  • Mmm, Georgia. #
  • Riding MARTA down to the museum. #
  • I want a nap, but Emily has already claimed this time slot. #
  • Time to clear the camcorders and the camera for our trip tomorrow. #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2011-05-22

  • FYI – MSG makes things delicious. #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2011-05-21

  • Syn #

2011-05-21 Twitter Digest

  • I couldn't help but notice you referred to me as 'white devil'. #
  • I had forgotten how tiring it is to babysit Windows since I haven't had to use it in so long. #
  • Finally grasping (well) all the systems, addresses, printers, VoIP, servers, and remote connections at the new job. #
  • Chocolate rain… #
  • Two more days until vacation. Best part is that I *think* everything is in order. #
  • Hey farmers and their families – thank you. #
  • Syn #