- Piracy Who? MPAA Celebrates 5th Consecutive Year of Record Profits http://t.co/3uyeVayq #
- Nice idea. http://t.co/8sq92tpe #
- Smartphones v Cigs – Smoking Signals http://t.co/Cji2Fq3E #
- Is anyone else not caring about the Oscars this year? 'Hugo' Leads The Oscars With 11 Nominations : The Two-Way : NPR http://t.co/VLfthKbz #
- ABSOLUTELY. RT @andersoncooper: #Tues on @Anderson… women court-ordered to pay alimony to their ex-husbands. Should women pay "man-imony"? #
- Another picture for your workday. Honest iPhone Wallpapers | http://t.co/DbIVQbkV #
- #McDstories McDonalds' Twitter promotion backfires as users share fast food horror stories | Mail Online http://t.co/ombx9VJO #
- Did you get a new toy for Christmas? Your New iPad: What You Need to Know | http://t.co/ADpZQnFD http://t.co/pIZqwokN #
- How do people stay up until midnight or later, leave for work at 6am, and still be happy and peppy? #
- If you want/need new accounting software, it gets no better. – Sage Peachtree First Accounting 2012 http://t.co/HvNL1gXX #
- If you enjoy it: Reader's Digest Magazine Subscription $5 per year http://t.co/C94ysGeF #
- You ever get so mad at something you can't stop from happening? – In Afghanistan, it's dog-fight-dog world http://t.co/QwbO1gvB #
- There is no such thing as ‘piracy’ Part 1 http://t.co/kwT7xIWv #
- Plenty of room to back up your info. You are backing up, right? 2TB USB 2.0 & eSATA 32MB External Drive – 2 Yr Wty! http://t.co/C8TJTF2G #
- Don't worry, *they* can't get to our systems…Thousands of Industrial Systems Unwittingly Hooked Up to Internet | http://t.co/uDmoaAdL #
- How The Glock Became America's Weapon Of Choice : NPR http://t.co/NAWaS7vG #
- How have you not seen this yet?? Star Wars Uncut / Watch the Movie http://t.co/VMlRtDJm #
- This could prove interesting. WikiLeaks founder launching TV show, promises controversy – http://t.co/Cx02P5K2 #
- I'm guilty of most of these. The 7 Stupidest Things That Make People Proud http://t.co/oi1QzP2C #
- Does Kraft have a Twitter presence for customer issues? #
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