Daniel’s Tweets for 2012-03-08

  • We want to save, but because you CAN install that coupon printer/toolbar does NOT MEAN YOU SHOULD. You realize they watch everything, right? #
  • Filth-ridden show – not for prudes. | J-me v Murph, Birth Control, Rush Steps in Shit http://t.co/CgFIrCho @TetheredHeather @SassyStewRants #
  • I have to admit that I consume most reading online. Do you read? | The (rapid) decline of the media industry http://t.co/3obhVob5 #
  • I'm so proud. | USA! USA! Panama City Beach takes bikini parade record back from Australia http://t.co/5IQISsVo http://t.co/IG9hqWUs #
  • I point only at neck tattoos and 'dude' in interviews. Appearances count. | Are young workers less professional? http://t.co/9p71LBFa #
  • Shouldn't you be thankful we coddle you? (in UK actually) | Amazing list of prisoners’ complaints http://t.co/bXFcodmL #
  • Always have your stuff when you need it with @Dropbox. 2GB account is free! http://t.co/4zfDmahz #
  • Your daily Star Wars link. | iPhone Cases http://t.co/ao3Ydso3 #
  • Watching my DVRed new #preppers episode. #