- I recommend this if you depend on a PC. Win8 is VERY different from 7. | Get a Head Start on Windows 8…for Free http://t.co/tGS7l7PJ #
- You only need desire. The material is out there. | The Stanford Education Experiment Could Change Higher Learning http://t.co/FGG0GaIa #
- Some worthy discussion. | Rachel Maddow: It Shouldn’t Be So Easy to Start Wars http://t.co/y86dDZ3b #
- If you need a spare AT&T phone, here it is… | $54.99Unlocked GSM Palm Pixi Plus Wi-Fi/GPS/QWERTY Keyboard http://t.co/2teLSwIs #
- My thoughts and rant about this new tax. | Daniel Voyles › Mount Vernon City Council Sneaks in a Tax Increase http://t.co/0bnpFIor #
- Alternate Mad Men Intros http://t.co/n9kGz31Q #
- The Darth Vader mask was originally intended to only be used in one scene. #
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