- So, there was 'peach' Miller 64 hanging out in the fridge. I took a swig. I am now pouring the rest down the sink. #
- Weekend Star Wars link. Be safe out there. | May the condoms be with you http://t.co/P6qbvOoL #
- Yeah, been there and still making it. | Financial Hardship: Some Positives http://t.co/UbFv1pph #
- Your Star Wars link. | Skywalker will not survive this time… http://t.co/n2PnVIVA #
- Well, I figured it would be them or Twitter. | Facebook's Buying Instagram for a Billion Dollars (Updating) http://t.co/i9Bzeghe #
- Metric System Thriving In Nation's Inner Cities http://t.co/2a3lbfJ4 #
- Just for @TheHooch36: http://t.co/YuhGsF9e #
- Why not a government bailout? Oh wait… | Sony to Eliminate 10,000 Jobs, 6% of Workforce, Nikkei Says http://t.co/kyEpEfP2 #
- 2nd degree time… #
- Yeah, it's fluffy self-help, but true. | Seven Truths About You http://t.co/755hhOEG #
- Let us never forget. | http://t.co/Z8FyIsxb #
- This is what the *AA organizations fear. | Publishing Isn't A Job Anymore: It's A Button http://t.co/ytskxB43 #
- Born and raised… | West Philadelphia http://t.co/Wwm8m2h4 #
- Perfect statement. | HBO and Showtime are more worried about losing money through Netflix than decreasing piracy. http://t.co/BNj5Joks #
- 5 year old article that is still relevant. | Why U.S. tax policy makes saving a sucker's game. http://t.co/EfS42sm9 #
- Mount Vernon City Council passed a new tax at a special meeting during the day. They increased your taxes. Minutes: http://t.co/ECcNrQxx #
- Oh, you want to stay our customer? Pay us an activation fee when you upgrade and stay our customer. | Upgrade Fee http://t.co/Nwd3x7BA #
- Congrats! You got in to UCLA! Well, not quite. | Nearly 900 wrongly told they were admitted to UCLA http://t.co/uBliTtQn #
- It's not everything, but things that you may need. Or a good laugh – there's always that. | What I Learned From Batman http://t.co/dIa1uw9q #
- For shame. | Feds Tried To Destroy Evidence Of Memo Saying They Were Committing War Crimes With Torture http://t.co/mxSl2yFN #
- Sensationalism sells and erodes freedom. | Overreacting To Anonymous A Greater Threat To Freedom Than Any Attacks http://t.co/QoZ8e44X #
- I second LibreOffice. All the functionality, none of the price. | 75 Open Source Replacements for Software http://t.co/CHowHVyN #
- This is not funny. | http://t.co/CT4s2cFM #
- Always something… | Android vulnerability gives apps access to sensitive data without permission http://t.co/BfNRi808 #
- Regrets, you has them? | Things Most People Regret Buying http://t.co/JsvckbWP #
- Well, it's about time for some progress.Man Finally Put In Charge Of Struggling Feminist Movement http://t.co/i9XTOJ7x #
- Go watch the video. It's ridiculous. | The numbers behind the Copyright Math http://t.co/kOAzk1GS #
- Here's your weekend movie prep. | 10 Things Parents Should Know About The Cabin In The Woods http://t.co/rArtehyY #
- Great to throw in your bag or the trunk for the summer. | Mini First Aid Kit for $5.23 http://t.co/3j7UFeza #
- Want to see what information Facebook keeps about you? This gives you a look at *some* of it. (tiny link at bottom) http://t.co/zha4tfEe #
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