- I say wait for the price drop that we’re due for, but good to know. | 15 Ways to Invest in Gold http://t.co/qjrHIwMN #
- It’s things like this that will get the lemmings to re-elect him. | Look over here at this shiny object here. http://t.co/sz2UeLy6 #
- Somewhere Darwin is saying – ‘Missed it by that much…’ | Up In Smoke http://t.co/yOJOnUWX #
- Your almost daily Star Wars link. | LEGO Diorama Plays the Theme Music http://t.co/s4HC329i #
- It’s kinda anti-climactic given all the other cloud services. | Google Drive Launching Next Week http://t.co/7wcr3wQw #
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