- Know your hot zones and supply stops. | Map of the Dead Survival Map http://t.co/Mqxzdbcb #
- Watching #Eureka last night made me feel like I was watching Dallas during the 'JR got shot' season. #
- Go all in or go home. There is no try. | How to Adopt an All Or Nothing Attitude http://t.co/sKH2TlH5 #
- Well, perhaps these kids will learn another language. | Programming project comes to primary schools http://t.co/m8EMgdiI #
- Remember it is assistance, not a lifestyle. | Food Stamps Helped Many Families Weather The Recession http://t.co/GY9EUS5n #
- Maybe these can help you. Take a look. | 42 Practical Ways To Improve Yourself http://t.co/nzAdjHCl #
- Insert 'Vacation' reference here… | Dog ‘Loved’ Trips Atop Family Car, Says Ann Romney http://t.co/DUhro3NB #
- No way. Security theater is worthless? Huh, never woulda known. | Former TSA Boss Admits Airport Screening Is Broken http://t.co/940rVxVY #
- Well played. | Police in Georgia handcuffed the kindergartner after the girl threw a tantrum… http://t.co/ToNNAfhv #
- I love TED talks. They provide a lot to consider. | Larry Lessig on laws that choke creativity http://t.co/ZvQcskDU #
- Some different charities. | Ways to Get Rid of Your Old Stuff While Helping Other People http://t.co/wFZ7qHUH #
- Watching my DVRed #Preppers #
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