- TL;DR: Take time to ignore the world each day. | One Simple Thing You Can Do To Instantly Improve Your Day http://t.co/86zUc6IX #
- This seems like a logical reimbursement method. | "…the number of children using school transportation or mileage." http://t.co/DOzc746U #
- We will see who can come out on top… – 2012 Summer Movie GameĀ Challenge http://t.co/yXFT49QV #
- Do better, but don't let money rule your life. | Ten Ways We Psychologically Hurt Our Relationship With Money http://t.co/nF5qXk39 #
- The more you tighten your grip, General Tarkin… | FBI Wants Backdoors in Facebook, Skype and Instant Messaging http://t.co/n6ZMsRFp #
- Even if you don't, go have a smoke. | Tales from the Support Front: just breathe http://t.co/iFMzcdam #
- Surely I'm not alone in wanting these. | http://t.co/DqCNDj6d #
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