- Bonus Star Wars Link | Best T-shirt Ever! http://t.co/fArLB29U #
- Cheap way to make your TV 'smart'. | Logitech Revue with Google TV for $73.99 http://t.co/9jt5aBD0 #
- Might as well get it now and beat the rush. (DSWL) | Imperial Walker http://t.co/EWs4kfVv #
- It's corny, but we all need to do it. | Just BREATHE http://t.co/fmPafr1k #
- Have a slice of Apple rumor. | iPad mini to debut during second half of 2012, claims report http://t.co/I6HxPwJG #
- Lots of myths debunked. Go get educated. | 9 Childhood Rules Best Forgotten by Adults http://t.co/MdNDDWIZ #
- Welcome to the next Iraq. | US Envoy To Israel: US Ready To Strike Iran http://t.co/E8Noin9M #
- Discuss. PLEASE, oh please discuss. | Traditional Marriage: One Man, Many Women, Some Girls, Some Slaves http://t.co/6SFibZHL #
- Cook at home with your kids – better for you and less expensive. | Study: 96% of restaurant entrees exceed USDA limits http://t.co/WnsYZA3y #
- Hey, a country that understands REAL MONEY. | India struggles to balance its books as citizens lust for gold http://t.co/bOt2AtNe #
- Get a whiteboard and put your goals on it! | How to Make Your Dreams a Reality http://t.co/cJ3WM2Oo #
- Well, it's a start. Now for that POS Patriot Act… | "Judge Blocks Controversial NDAA" http://t.co/PWN0Bp4Q #
- Mmmm, obvious scare piece… | Your laptop could come under attack at NATO, experts warn http://t.co/lpFPKgTG #
- Hell yes #sixseasonsandamovie ! #
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