- Pulp Fiction in chronological order (in print). http://t.co/2R4WnWHl #
- Your DSWL. | Darth Vader Wins Big http://t.co/XiQ6hlTd #
- Ron Paul Delegates Arrested As They Win a Majority at Louisiana GOP Convention http://t.co/XlUlNy4b #
- It's a phone. Why the hype? | Apple looks to iPad Mini, iPhone 5 to deliver 'exciting' September? http://t.co/garnIfbQ #
- Unless he was being creepy, FFFFFUUUUU B&N. | Scottsdale man accusing Barnes & Noble of sex bias http://t.co/3W8K8NNK #
- What happened to 30 years and a gold watch? | Pushed Out of the Workforce. Are You Ready? http://t.co/LEZZ052a #
- Don't worry, surely they won't come for you. | The cyberwar may be headed to your computer http://t.co/j9NWR2bL #
- Complains about pedophiles… http://t.co/UAAKWmJ5 #
- The short answer, again, is no. | Should 11-year-olds join Facebook? http://t.co/JNg1jnTg #
- Either live it, or don't. http://t.co/orSf8Peq #
- Better run those updates, kids. | Microsoft throws 'kill switch' on own certificates after Flame hijack http://t.co/eyprFpOa #
- Have an old backpack? Start preparing today because you don't know when it will be needed. | Gather Emergency Supplies http://t.co/3lKr7VXs #
- TL;DR: There will always be thieves. Adapt and sell! | Music, Books and Online Piracy http://t.co/K9RCsBaH #
- Nobody believes you when you call it a depression. | "US economic outlook darkens after jobs report" http://t.co/bWYGxyWE #
- Here comes the 'AB is a virus' dumbass posts. | Fox News Ties Flame Malware To Angry Birds Because Both Use LUA http://t.co/y9HnVlvS #
- Ever wonder where the Google Maps vehicles are right now? | Street View http://t.co/anMWWpPZ #
- If you wondered. | Dept. of Homeland Security Forced to Release List of Keywords Used to Monitor Social Sites http://t.co/OA2TCzTW #
- Y U say we haz bad aih? | China tells US to stop reporting Beijing's bad air http://t.co/CYnyvxpF #
- It boils down to money. | 10 Great Financial Gifts for the College Graduate http://t.co/gwUDxZEM #
- Big deal or big whoop? | Disney To Put Limits On Food Ads In Bid To Nudge Kids To Eat Healthier http://t.co/aTseKRdf #
- But will it succeed? | 'Leak it all!' Anonymous calls for Fight Club-style 'Project Mayhem-2012' http://t.co/xQehbpgA #
- I still say it was a good OS. | Pre to postmortem: the inside story of the death of Palm and webOS http://t.co/04nu3RCE #
- Your DSWL. Not so much funny as interesting. | Tell Jabba I’ve Got His Money: Star Wars Revenue Throughout Our Galaxy http://t.co/EOj6XzqL #
- I don't use office mobile much, but this should make it easier when I do use it. | Google acquires Quickoffice http://t.co/S62UzbYM #
- I say give them 8 – 10 years. Surely they steal enough in that time. | Calif. Voters OK Term Limits Change, Incumbents http://t.co/4I2opdgp #
- Tips if you have an interest. | Top 5 Tools for Impressive (and Easy) Vlogging http://t.co/JDtnDvBy #
- Not a bad price if you HAVE to have one. Full warranty like new purchases. | Refurbished iPad 2 Wi-Fi $319 http://t.co/BUSLvF2m #
- How many of you remembered the anniversary? | D-Day – June 6, 1944 http://t.co/SmZpKeYl #
- Yeah, it's used, but it's a great price for a budget. | Asus Transformer 10.1in 16GB Tablet $189.99 Free Shipping http://t.co/PDBwefB0 #
- Can't MO catch a break? | Tornado leaves 3 dead in Missouri http://t.co/VY5KGf9o #
- Google busting NSA, etc. ? | Google warns users of state-sponsored hacking http://t.co/ttHQ33tM #
- An unused-for-13-years patent. | Google Sued For Patent Infringement Over GDrive http://t.co/B4muAG7E #
- Monoprice has the best quality v price I've found. HDMI Cable, HDMI Products, Cables, Adapters, Video/Audio, Networking http://t.co/VURbdnWi #
- Ironic, no? http://t.co/Zc6XGJPg #
- Because they should be out ACTUALLY SOCIALIZING. | Why not let kids have Facebook pages? http://t.co/PLtn4NSX #
- Pssst – we raised taxes at an irregular meeting to pay for this… | City plans for bike trail system work http://t.co/wU0ZwHyC #
- GREAT time to buy a house. | You Guessed It: Mortgage Rates Hit Another New Low http://t.co/ZJGbBVJu #
- This can even apply to ordering pizza. | 12 Ways to Make Group Spending Easier http://t.co/StJofQWE #
- Fifty Shades of Gay Superheroes – http://t.co/P9bcYUW4 @baconNmeggs #listen #
- If you get this message, I'm more than happy to fix it for you. | Facebook begins notifying DNSChanger victims http://t.co/VH8BdGoP #
- If you have an interest. | Working at Canonical http://t.co/sRcyWq0H #
- Eh, minor usefulness here… | 5 Common Time Management Truths That Can Make You Unproductive http://t.co/oNprLCFg #
- How to Self-Talk Your Way Out of a Tough Spot http://t.co/SNoZLeSa #
- Your Double-Ds Could be Putting Your Health in Danger http://t.co/bWAUOqcE #
- Sometimes I <3 Anonymous. Warning bad word. | http://t.co/tbsQdm1X #
- Based solely on the article – fire that dick. Handled very poorly. | Cop Uses Taser on Pregnant Woman http://t.co/Sb9HnqU8 #
- Sad he was so young, but maybe a warning to others. | Teenager Breaks Into Cop's House; You Betcha, That Kid Got Shot http://t.co/IQJ8x67L #
- You can't stop the Internet, you idiots. | Pirate Bay Pesters Copyright Holders with Yet Another New IP-Address http://t.co/xVzoJPYt #
- THIS is the only thing I didn't like about 'new' Star Trek. http://t.co/M6hdRcfS #
- Your DSWL is topical if not a little weird. | http://t.co/FtSgAAIC #
- Idiots. Trees took 200 yrs to grow and this won't solve a whole year's budget. | Schools may sell trees to help budget http://t.co/tmwKVbjP #
- Sometimes you get a wrong number, sometimes it gets you. | Man with Zimmerman's old number slammed by threatening calls http://t.co/1ckw9evL #
- Yes, boot the criminals (illegals) out, but don't be a dick to everyone. | Not all Latinos are illegals http://t.co/HjP2f0hh #
- You don't need it ladies. Really, who are you trying to impress? | Do women need to tame their unsightly bulges? http://t.co/RZShYy0J #
- The same people who complain about higher taxes and still don't pay any bring you… | Obama Raises $60 Million In May http://t.co/PcY47It6 #
- Gimmicks that might be worth the chance. | 10 Phone Apps That Can Help You Make Money http://t.co/J1MiLbLx #
- That's a lot of tacos. | Doritos Locos Tacos http://t.co/yKg4aNZH #
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