- Don't make it easy for marketers to track you. | How to Turn on Do Not Track in Your Browser http://t.co/CM25qgRL #
- "Remember That Borrowed Money Isn’t Free Money" http://t.co/vF2V85Ex #
- This rest area brought to you by Tide. | States consider corporate sponsorships to help with rest areas' costs http://t.co/rAxpalGL #
- Which two get no ice cold Coke? | Coca-Cola Returning To Myanmar; Sells In All But 2 Nations http://t.co/cfrlqPlm #
- Google vajazzle and medocure. Go ahead, I'll wait. #
- Bwhahahaha. | FEMA trains for zero day attack on US infrastructure by 'The Void' hacktivists http://t.co/kr40vgKS #
- VERY long article, but a decent read. | Vizio reboots the PC: a quiet American success story takes on sleeping giants http://t.co/gqeFMFnV #
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