- Craigslist for the rest of us. | Yardsale App Lets You Sell Your Stuff and Meet Your Neighbors Too http://t.co/y29Art0m #
- Note the $4.2B only to 'get more chicks in lab coats'. Waste. | 40 years after Title IX, women still lag in tech fields http://t.co/fHg4J7Oq #
- AKA – loyalty or 'why I like my job'. | Employee Engagement: What Is It Anyway? http://t.co/H5iapGOH #
- …but usually does. | Extra Income Doesn’t Have to Mean a Second Job http://t.co/LPMifqO2 #
- Your DSWL. Enjoy. | The Dark Scion of the Force [PICS] http://t.co/rv6CYVD3 #
- EFF Will Represent The Oatmeal Creator in Fight Against Bizarre Lawsuit Targeting Critical Online Speech http://t.co/4ONpMAct #
- For you trendy folks. | The Top 5 Signs You've Taken The Paleo Diet Too Far http://t.co/vUFiv0Oq #
- Perhaps there are some things you can drop? | Things You Own that You May Not Really Need http://t.co/SDUUULdI #
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