Dan’s Tweets for 2012-06-26

  • Johnson & Johnson Introduces 'Nothing But Tears' Shampoo To Toughen Up Newborns http://t.co/Rcz2jDsh #
  • You know we do this, right? | Pro-Palestinian activist 'barred from Israel after refusing to log in to her email' http://t.co/oK9TDwz7 #
  • Young people make mistakes, but THEY KILLED SOMEONE! | Justices rule for underage killers http://t.co/yaXkdMZQ #
  • This cannot be said enough – it is only a matter of WHEN your disaster happens. | Prepare for Disaster http://t.co/r9tczd1g #
  • "… so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." | Stuxnet Will Haunt Us http://t.co/LxNgR8Qs #
  • Go help grandma and grandpa apply on the Internets! Circuit Breaker program to end » Local http://t.co/r3ejUVzY #
  • What a POS. No, no, we have to outlaw stupid so these people can breed. | "Mother of 32-pound Mo. girl, 10, arraigned" http://t.co/ZvQxzUuq #
  • And our elections continue to be bought. | Supreme Court refuses to reconsider campaign finance controversy http://t.co/Dn8ML5Cp #
  • Lot of money wasted. Like we do for allergies too… | How’s a school district blowing $172,000 over Wi-Fi “hazards”? http://t.co/fNylwBuw #
  • Now he'll see lots of men and be seen undressing | Teacher may have videotaped students undressing, superintendent says http://t.co/4yX3lJl4 #