- Now MS is controlling what you can do with your PC. | OpenBSD's de Raadt slams Red Hat, Canonical over 'secure' boot http://t.co/5VlUW0Tj #
- Some cool forms, and weird flavors. | Darth and Che as Creamy Treats http://t.co/zJkwIyHG #
- If they had one about snarkiness, then this would be complete (he says snarkily). http://t.co/jBr19HEF #
- Am I allowed on SysAdmin day? http://t.co/nK03XZw3 #
- Are you going to watch? | How Our Always-On Culture Made These the Most Watchable Games Ever http://t.co/sxQ7doHB #
- For better or worse, this is why he is my superhero of choice. | Superman (Movie, 1978) http://t.co/MRn5rFTd #
- Yup. Another stupid photo from imgur. Sorry for the offensive title. Feel free to 'hide'. http://t.co/nNobEriJ #
- In fairness, you know he WAS trying to intimidate. | UK student facing charges after emailing picture of the Joker http://t.co/ul2byBaq #
- Go follow @OldManRobR , @baconNmeggs , and @thehooch36 because they are funny and I am not. #ff #
- So, since NBC decided to not allow live airing of the opening ceremony here in the States, have a link to watch… http://t.co/SgYxISK9 #
- Enjoying the #London2012 Opening Ceremony thanks to the Internet. #NBCFail #
- This time, ignorance in Canada. | Woman strip-searched at Trudeau airport loses lawsuit over mistaken identity http://t.co/IyGPny0z #
- You can't make this level of ignorance up, folks. | This Xbox HDMI cable has 'anti-virus protection' http://t.co/19ywbL1a #
- Sensationalism runs rampant via media. | Can You Open The Android Browser? The BBC Calls You a Hacker! http://t.co/PsckIp9C #
- Amazing. | The CIA's Declassified Robotic Spy Critters http://t.co/pT1YsqnI #
- Watching Contagion for another round of scares. #
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