Dan’s Tweets for 2012-08-14

  • Most of these are 'DUH' items. | 15 Inexpensive Car Security Tips http://t.co/HeYwIS1E #
  • Worth a shot. | How to Dramatically Change Your Life in Just One Week http://t.co/FjY8tnuh #
  • Your DSWL isn't technically correct, but looks cool anyway. | Make your own action figure terrarium http://t.co/NAglxAGL #
  • I never knew such a thing existed. http://t.co/vE01iSSq #
  • Sweet. Grosse Pointe Blank. #
  • Em's cousin does the paint on Count's Customs tonight. In like 1 minute. #
  • Not true, but how most ignorant folks see it. http://t.co/NctMTprH #
  • So? When was the last time a 50 y/o white woman tried to blow up a plane? | TSA 'chat-downs' investigated at Logan http://t.co/7xsssWMz #
  • For those who might do social marketing. | 7 Things Your Social Media Consultant Should Tell You http://t.co/NXA2iySg #