Archive: August, 2012

Dan’s Tweets for 2012-08-10

Dan’s Tweets for 2012-08-09

Dan’s Tweets for 2012-08-08

  • How many photos of you are out there? | Who's That Woman in the Twitter Bot Profile? #
  • So, you want to stop junk mail, pre-approved offers, and telemarketing? Here you go. A tiny bit of work on your… #
  • I think I'll give it a shot. Might be good. | Computer Viruses Can Kill in Ambitious Sci-Fi Web Series H+ #
  • 'Just Illegalize Us Already,' Nation's Assault Weapons Beg #
  • Join the Libertarian Party of Illinois #
  • You'll never be any younger than you are right now. – someone wiser than me

    Quit yer planning and go do… #

  • Barry Bonds Says Without A Doubt He Deserves To Be In Hall Of Fame #
  • Let's see if we can reboot. | How to Summon Your Child's Inner Coder: 10 Q's With Raspberry Pi Inventor Eben Upton #
  • 4th Amend-who? | Appeals Court OKs Warrantless Wiretapping #
  • Why You Should Be a Writer #
  • How stolen do you want your identity? | A Short Primer on Online Security #
  • Here's hoping you have Facebook alerts turned on in your phone settings. #
  • Maybe we should focus on ALL the crazies? | DHS Crushed This Analyst for Warning About Far-Right Terror #
  • They deprived. Fines and restitution. Sheesh. | D.A.: Montco cable scammers ripped off Comcast for $2.4M discount fraud #
  • Surprisingly easy. Easier still to start with a black mailbox. | Impressive, Most Impressive: Darth Vader Mailbox [Pic] #

Dan’s Tweets for 2012-08-07

Dan’s Tweets for 2012-08-06

  • RT @OMGFactsSex: Wearing 2 inch heels can help improve the strength of the pelvic muscles which aid in having orgasms occur @tetheredheather #
  • Did the laundries. Did the dishes. #
  • O noes! NBC inadvertently aired unintentional nudity! Quick, to the prude-copter! #London2012 #stupidity #