- So, hardware upgrades to the iPhone. Allegedly much faster. Same pricing as current. Ships on 9/21 as expected…. http://t.co/ek0B5j7G #
- Gov. Gary Johnson Releases Statement Regarding Libya Attack http://t.co/AdVIoVOW #
- The Most Interesting Man In The World | quick meme http://t.co/d72EGWjB #
- http://t.co/YjLtWiEd #
- Mitt Romney Reaches Out To Young Voters With Laser Tag Pizza Party http://t.co/Ws5kiK8k #
- I'll stick with #5 | 12 Ways To Save Money Getting A Haircut http://t.co/aah6DOsG #
- Some things can't be replaced or taught online. For everything else – THIS. | College may never be the same http://t.co/sL8lycbY #
- 9/10. Mostly true. “@OMGFactsSex: Ever wondered what men find sexy about women? We've got your answer–> -sp http://t.co/lb9iqBq0” #
- The two-party system: a wasted vote? http://t.co/L9Uqb0WG #
- Does Seacrest have Bieber hair or Bieber have Seacrest hair? I'm confused. #
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