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- This is all advice I use, and try to use every day. | 7 Ways You Can Be Helpful Today http://t.co/OSBnZsYg #
- Google adds 'Do Not Track' to latest Chrome test build http://t.co/Dnyg4Cer #
- Found out via Tyler. I hope this comes to the local joint. | John Carpenter's 'Halloween' to be rereleased in theaters http://t.co/tWgQPzuZ #
- But he's 'in touch' with your struggles, really. | "ROMNEY: 'MIDDLE-INCOME' BETWEEN $200K AND $250K" http://t.co/UxFhrYwj #
- No 'start' menu. Prepare yourselves. | Microsoft gifts full-time employees with Surface tablets, Windows 8 phone and PC http://t.co/EKlIplbO #
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