- I strongly suggest avoiding SIUC like the plague. For the second semester in a row they have come up with… http://t.co/1ba7Gn7D #
- But will he admit he is wrong? http://t.co/6qOwN00n #
- Nice to have great assistance from a company, especially when it is convenient for me. Thank you, @CharterRyan! #
- For the general election to be held in Illinois on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, the last day to register to vote is… http://t.co/lkPnoNMJ #
- If you don't buy 'Made in the USA' as much as possible, then shut up about there being no employment you Chinese-supporting idiot. #
- RT @OMGFactsSex: According to studies, 1% of female test subjects can achieve orgasm solely from breast stimulation – Who are these women? #
- Both parties are paid by companies and their rich friends (because the candidates themselves are rich). That… http://t.co/jFPeiz8j #
- If you have to open your door to use the drive thru, maybe you should just go inside. #
- DVRed shows are awesome. #
- In 2012, Greendale Community College was the site of the largest and longest pillow fight in community college… http://t.co/wgKXHbvL #
- Don't worry though. The D and R have done a great job over the past 70+ years. Keep them in office.
It's only… http://t.co/gakcxzAY #
- Arr, there be pirates afoot. Methinks they be known by the name 'politicians'.
Make them walk the plank! #
- When everyone in history class turns to you once 9/11 is brought up. #MuslimRage @DanyaHajjaji #
- Romney Apologizes To Nation's 150 Million 'Starving, Filthy Beggars' http://t.co/fNEZ2y8O #
- But ALL them people hate you – just ask the media, rednecks, and Republicans. | Media don't get #MuslimRage http://t.co/wA3Vlrld #
- The Poo Poo Show – http://t.co/iwtx1e7r Politics and poop are discussed this week. @TetheredHeather @thehooch36 @OldManRobR #Election2012 #
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