- Just in time for the compendium and new season. | Walking Dead Inspired Daryl Dixon http://t.co/37la1DpO #
- Big Kev for Mayor – http://t.co/yPTXX3ex #podcast @TetheredHeather #Election2012 #GaryJohnson #
- What should I be when I grow up? http://t.co/BZBLwmVs #
- Go read about a mom who keeps it real. http://t.co/oZMAN0Q8 #
- Giving 'The Devil Inside' a shot. #
- I think I just deleted my post. Nice. You know, when you're too stupid to use FB there is a problem. I think I'm… http://t.co/LLCW5TUl #
- Never ever violate the law and use alternate viewing. 🙂 The Blog of Helios: Sidestep the Risk of Downloading Torrents http://t.co/f1rfE9ft #
Archive: September, 2012
- Let's go Bruins! #
- If you want to get hammered, drink a beer every time the Huskers get flagged. #FFS #
- Time for homework and football. Two of these things I don't care for. Good luck figuring out which. #
- Your DSWL is not only awesome, but phallic to boot! | Star Wars Lightsaber Ice Pop Maker http://t.co/VLR9TLEQ #
- MVTHS Issues Press Release – Dan Counters | Big Kevs View http://t.co/3gBa8FDA #
- Go check out the page of a board member who actually cares what you think and does what is right instead of… http://t.co/J7XrYncW #
- If you want to take a hand in shaping your city's future, now is the time. Go get a petition, 26 (or more)… http://t.co/IVfxpv8b #
- The replacement NFL referees look like they're 12. #
- People are toying with my emotions on this 'Morgan Freeman is dead' hoax. #
- So true. | Things That Blew Your Mind When You Were A Kid http://t.co/okBq9GZK Found via Geeks are Sexy. #
- Your DSWL is comfy and stylish. | Stormtrooper Hooded Bath Robe http://t.co/5632KwVb #
- Yup. http://t.co/QMJieff6 #
- Nothing like realizing your assignment was due at 9AM at 9:02AM. #
- Refurb, but a steal at $69.99 shipped. Coupon code – MLCK910TNL1 | Roku 2 XS 1080P Streaming Media Player http://t.co/7xNeAIiT #
- $80 for a drive that will make your laptop like lightning. | Crucial 128 GB SSD SATA 6Gb/s CT128M4SSD2 http://t.co/uNkrZOWs #
- 30 years late, but 1984 is almost here. | FBI's Sinister New $1 Billion Project Will Track Everyone By Their Face http://t.co/NwBeHLaf #
- By golly, it's far superior! http://t.co/9e70dzp8 #
- Seeing it more and more on my feeds. | Brace yourself http://t.co/xsmS9z5R #
- Prosthetic balls are dumb. Eyebrows are classy though. http://t.co/lQ9sbwX8 #
- It's for your safety, really. | TSA Detains Woman Due to 'Attitude' http://t.co/yD0ad7wT #
- Prostitutes vs. TSA Agents vs. Doctors VENN DIAGRAM – Imgur http://t.co/92vGvKVa #
- I am Gov. Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate for President. AMA. : IAmA http://t.co/5uaIBrpz #
- A Chair Told Clint Eastwood to GFY? – http://t.co/YPuMrAMN… @thehooch36 @TetheredHeather @OldManRobR RT? @shawnkathleen #hyphenateddevil #
- I'm told I snore heartily. I have nothing on the Mack truck my wife is driving tonight. Why hello, couch… #
- Wow it's early. #
- So far no major hiccups at work. *knocks on particle board* #
- For @baconNmeggs http://t.co/hIKo8VsW via @imgur #
- Yes. | Do iPhone Announcements Get More Attention Than They Deserve? http://t.co/snlwD9Ci #
- RT @BigKevsView New show! Big Kev for Mayor http://t.co/BA41Cnda #podcast @TetheredHeather @OldManRobR We even thank @shawnkathleen. #
- So, hardware upgrades to the iPhone. Allegedly much faster. Same pricing as current. Ships on 9/21 as expected…. http://t.co/ek0B5j7G #
- Gov. Gary Johnson Releases Statement Regarding Libya Attack http://t.co/AdVIoVOW #
- The Most Interesting Man In The World | quick meme http://t.co/d72EGWjB #
- http://t.co/YjLtWiEd #
- Mitt Romney Reaches Out To Young Voters With Laser Tag Pizza Party http://t.co/Ws5kiK8k #
- I'll stick with #5 | 12 Ways To Save Money Getting A Haircut http://t.co/aah6DOsG #
- Some things can't be replaced or taught online. For everything else – THIS. | College may never be the same http://t.co/sL8lycbY #
- 9/10. Mostly true. “@OMGFactsSex: Ever wondered what men find sexy about women? We've got your answer–> -sp http://t.co/lb9iqBq0” #
- The two-party system: a wasted vote? http://t.co/L9Uqb0WG #
- Does Seacrest have Bieber hair or Bieber have Seacrest hair? I'm confused. #
- If you watch or have watched Honey PooPoo and like/enjoy it, unfriend/follow me. No, I'm not kidding. #
- Learn to say no and turn off. | The perils of sleeping with your smartphone http://t.co/iAywQGr2 #
- Learn to say no and turn off. | The perils of sleeping with your smartphone http://t.co/D1rr8NLU #
- Rednecks enlist for military in droves. RT @AP: Protesters set fire to a KFC and an Arby's restaurant in Lebanon http://t.co/bpZSh6A8 #
- Protesters set fire to a KFC and an Arby's restaurant in Lebanon –
Rednecks enlist for military in droves.
One… http://t.co/dUepk95Z #
- Parents who whore up their kids – yeah, everyone else mocks you. | Pageant star warns parents about dangers http://t.co/eEtvV20B #
- Superb deal at $59.99 after rebate. The laptop/PC speed improvement will be night and day. | OCZ 120GB SATA III http://t.co/t160UILP #
- This is all advice I use, and try to use every day. | 7 Ways You Can Be Helpful Today http://t.co/OSBnZsYg #
- Google adds 'Do Not Track' to latest Chrome test build http://t.co/Dnyg4Cer #
- Found out via Tyler. I hope this comes to the local joint. | John Carpenter's 'Halloween' to be rereleased in theaters http://t.co/tWgQPzuZ #
- But he's 'in touch' with your struggles, really. | "ROMNEY: 'MIDDLE-INCOME' BETWEEN $200K AND $250K" http://t.co/UxFhrYwj #
- No 'start' menu. Prepare yourselves. | Microsoft gifts full-time employees with Surface tablets, Windows 8 phone and PC http://t.co/EKlIplbO #
- Superb deal at $59.99 after rebate. The laptop/PC speed improvement will be night and day. | OCZ 120GB SATA III http://t.co/t160UILP #
- This is all advice I use, and try to use every day. | 7 Ways You Can Be Helpful Today http://t.co/OSBnZsYg #
- Google adds 'Do Not Track' to latest Chrome test build http://t.co/Dnyg4Cer #
- Found out via Tyler. I hope this comes to the local joint. | John Carpenter's 'Halloween' to be rereleased in theaters http://t.co/tWgQPzuZ #
- But he's 'in touch' with your struggles, really. | "ROMNEY: 'MIDDLE-INCOME' BETWEEN $200K AND $250K" http://t.co/UxFhrYwj #
- No 'start' menu. Prepare yourselves. | Microsoft gifts full-time employees with Surface tablets, Windows 8 phone and PC http://t.co/EKlIplbO #
- If you watch or have watched Honey PooPoo and like/enjoy it, unfriend/follow me. No, I'm not kidding. #
- Learn to say no and turn off. | The perils of sleeping with your smartphone http://t.co/iAywQGr2 #
- Learn to say no and turn off. | The perils of sleeping with your smartphone http://t.co/D1rr8NLU #
- Rednecks enlist for military in droves. RT @AP: Protesters set fire to a KFC and an Arby's restaurant in Lebanon http://t.co/bpZSh6A8 #
- Protesters set fire to a KFC and an Arby's restaurant in Lebanon –
Rednecks enlist for military in droves.
One… http://t.co/dUepk95Z #
- Parents who whore up their kids – yeah, everyone else mocks you. | Pageant star warns parents about dangers http://t.co/eEtvV20B #
- So, hardware upgrades to the iPhone. Allegedly much faster. Same pricing as current. Ships on 9/21 as expected…. http://t.co/ek0B5j7G #
- Gov. Gary Johnson Releases Statement Regarding Libya Attack http://t.co/AdVIoVOW #
- The Most Interesting Man In The World | quick meme http://t.co/d72EGWjB #
- http://t.co/YjLtWiEd #
- Mitt Romney Reaches Out To Young Voters With Laser Tag Pizza Party http://t.co/Ws5kiK8k #
- I'll stick with #5 | 12 Ways To Save Money Getting A Haircut http://t.co/aah6DOsG #
- Some things can't be replaced or taught online. For everything else – THIS. | College may never be the same http://t.co/sL8lycbY #
- 9/10. Mostly true. “@OMGFactsSex: Ever wondered what men find sexy about women? We've got your answer–> -sp http://t.co/lb9iqBq0” #
- The two-party system: a wasted vote? http://t.co/L9Uqb0WG #
- Does Seacrest have Bieber hair or Bieber have Seacrest hair? I'm confused. #