- One example of why the wealthy don't care about taxes. | Tax Dodge for Plutocrats Now Available to Tech Plebes http://t.co/APCaMY1R #
- New Senate Report: Counterterrorism 'Fusion' Centers Invade Innocent Americans’ Privacy and Don’t Stop Terrorism http://t.co/WAYkCUfd #
- New Senate Report: Counterterrorism 'Fusion' Centers Invade Innocent Americans’ Privacy and Don’t Stop Terrorism http://t.co/Olnl1asU #
- Another Tuesday! It's October 09, 2012 at 08:00PM and we're recording a new @BigKevsView with @TetheredHeather, @thehooch36, and @OldManR… #
- Some Family Guy episodes just shouldn't be re-run. #
- I'm looking forward to Silent Hill 2. There I said it. #
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