Archive: February, 2013

Tweets from 2013-02-16

  • Little can match the feeling of reading a professor's email that homework now has a later due date. 09:31:08

Tweets from 2013-02-15

  • Morning, all. Hope you're doing well. 06:50:20
  • Last chance to buy my old laptop before Craigslist.

    Core i3, 128GB SSD or 500GB HDD (your call),8GB RAM, Windows… 06:57:22

  • @OldManRobR It's February 15, 2013 at 04:00PM, enjoy your relief! I hope it's satisfying. 16:00:29
  • Bless you, James Bond. 21:55:29

Tweets from 2013-02-14

Tweets from 2013-02-13

  • @OldManRobR It's February 13, 2013 at 04:00PM, enjoy your relief! I hope it's satisfying. 16:00:40

Tweets from 2013-02-12