Archive: March, 2013

Tweets from 2013-03-24

Tweets from 2013-03-23

Tweets from 2013-03-22

  • Lets go Cardinals! MLB – Start – STL at HOU has started. (ESPN) 12:09:20
  • Just started "Rise of the Governor" audiobook. Not bad, but they could have found someone better to read it. 12:51:59

Tweets from 2013-03-21

  • @OldManRobR It's March 21, 2013 at 04:00PM, enjoy your relief! I hope it's satisfying. 16:00:25
  • Can lent be over so the McBites commercial goes away? 22:15:10

Tweets from 2013-03-20

  • @OldManRobR It's March 20, 2013 at 04:00PM, enjoy your relief! I hope it's satisfying. 16:00:25