- If you have electronics or paperwork to destroy/recycle, go do it for free today! Open to businesses and… http://t.co/KpLx3NMOg2 09:06:04
- RT @Sharon_HT: The best memos always include the words "cupcakes" and "they are in the break room." 13:46:05
- RT @UberFacts: Today is National Pasta Day! 13:48:01
- RT @OHnewsroom: Producer: "Free food in the newsroom is like oxygen masks on an airplane. You get yours first then you inform others." 16:36:52
- @acedtect Nerdvana? in reply to acedtect 20:27:31
- 'Escape from Tomorrowland' is the most nonsensical and disjointed piece of excrement ever. No, really. 23:10:13
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