Archive: November, 2013

Tweets from 2013-11-08

  • If I get bored I can drive to the city this weekend for nostalgia. 12:43:03
  • RT @UberFacts: 28% of IT Professionals hide their career from family or friends out of fear of being asked to provide free tech support. 17:28:01
  • "It's Always Sunny" is the worst television show I have seen in recent history. I weep for it to be canceled and all remnants destroyed. 17:41:07
  • Giving another joint a shot 19:08:07
  • If it weren't for special needs wards our lives would be so boring. 22:17:16

Tweets from 2013-11-07

  • American Horror Story has officially been renewed for a 4th season. 12:17:46
  • Sriracha! 13:33:30
  • The new Marshall Mather's LP is pretty good so far. 18:10:25
  • Mike Duke, the CEO of Walmart, makes more in an hour than his employees do in a year. 18:34:22

Tweets from 2013-11-06

Tweets from 2013-11-05

Tweets from 2013-11-04

  • RT @TonyBowls: Spotted some "TONY BOWLS TUXEDOS" today in Ft.Lauderdale ! 😉 Tony 18:38:05
  • If this garage had a TV and computer I'd say it was almost done. 21:37:15
  • If Siamese cats were any more special there'd be a helmet law for them. Bed frame – 1. Cat – 0. 22:11:27