- "Show-Me Cannabis" http://t.co/woJTCpGqoC 09:30:08
- RT @DaveVoyles: Did you hear the latest episode of the Indie Dev Podcast, where I interview @The_Zman? Talk Greenlight, Steam http://t.co/C… 10:18:57
- You mean they lied? Yup. | NBC News and the bullshit 'ZOMG Sochi Olympics Android hack' story http://t.co/xq3KkPkMVJ 10:30:17
- Ecstatic I finally get to see @eddieizzard live even if it's months away. #ForceMajeure http://t.co/O9QTVYMDzW 18:19:40
- @shwood So, it's worth a ticket? in reply to shwood 18:21:08
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