- If you've been debating, now is the time to jump (or not). | Amazon Prime To Cost $99 A Year http://t.co/c5vGHHTV1H 09:30:31
- Lets go Cardinals! Braves at Cardinals has started. (ESPN) http://t.co/bUHD0RqDUh 12:27:59
- I often fear change, but I'm trying to do better about that. 16:22:26
- @aaronpaul_8 I believe you were short a 'bitch' on that tweet, bitch. 🙂 in reply to aaronpaul_8 16:23:48
- @TheRealNimoy In my second week. Feeling much better. in reply to TheRealNimoy 16:24:59
- RT @SecurityWeek: Cybersecurity jobs top $93k/year ( http://t.co/MEf2LmT0ti ) – Meanwhile US pimps can make $33k a week, study finds http://t… 16:25:31
- RT @TheRealNimoy: We're making some #Iquit buttons to give away on shopllap .com. Coming soon. Quitters LLAP 16:27:04
- How to Keep the NSA From Spying Through Your Webcam http://t.co/2qSD1rBfeS 16:30:15
- RT @starwars: There's 1 day left to make your picks for the #ThisIsMadness play-in round. Get to http://t.co/qzWulRIHjZ and get voting! 18:07:15
- RT @StarWarsFanWiki: Predict the Madness by creating your own bracket for #ThisIsMadness! Whose team are you on? http://t.co/n4vo7tVdUW htt… 20:15:50
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