Archive: October, 2014

Tweets from 2014-10-10

Tweets from 2014-10-09

Tweets from 2014-10-08

  • I would like to know if anyone out there has an @OnePlus invitation. I'm two weeks out on cash, but thought I'd ask early. 12:45:51
  • RT @DeathStarPR: You don't know the POWER of the Dark Side… or anything about our Health benefits and dental plan. Here, take this pamphl… 19:28:05

Tweets from 2014-10-07

Tweets from 2014-10-06

  • Because they'd have to do their job.

    Why US Feds kick up a stink about a growing smartphone encryption trend 13:30:08

  • Lets go Cardinals! Dodgers at Cardinals has started. Starting Pitchers: LAD H Ryu vs. STL J Lackey. Tune to Fox Sports 1. (ESPN) 20:21:37