- Quit dying or we'll die you. Seems reasonable.
ISIS Beheads Cigarette Smokers: Smoking 'Slow Suicide' Under Sharia http://t.co/ffGFclgz9x 10:30:08
- For some people I know that are excited for this movie… – Imgur http://t.co/y7v6To2NnU 12:30:15
- Apple's scrolling sucks. It does everything I need with little tweaking, but this damn scrolling in OSXX is horrible. 13:25:16
- Go to Prison for Sharing Files? That's What Hollywood Wants in the Secret TPP Deal | Electronic Frontier Foundation http://t.co/Bgb3T7VPsQ 13:30:11
- Well, that's an interesting if false stance.
Are dinosaurs a 65 million year-old lie? http://t.co/BRQokISnJV 14:30:09
- @sarahintampa It seems very contrived, but I watch SVU so what do I know. in reply to sarahintampa 18:41:13
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